Parents are Human

Aidan 2As we know parents are humans and we make mistakes. Unfortunately, we can’t press a rewind button or ask for a re-do because children aren’t going to forget!

The other day my 9month old daughter Kiley was up at her usual time of 6am. It was a very long day chuck filled with activities, a bit of cleaning and a lot of cooking. On top of it all I had a ton of work to get done for my home based business. My son decides that he doesn’t want to go to bed and sneaks downstairs at 9pm. I bring Aidan back upstairs and this bedtime battle continues for another hour and a half. It was a warm evening so I decide to open the window to cool down the bedroom. The crickets are chirping away outside and Aidan says, “Mom, what are the crickets saying?” I’m exhausted and my filter from brain to mouth has disappeared – without thinking I reply, “They said go the f*%k to sleep!”

Silence filled the room – my mouth is wide open as I think of what I should say next. Aidan starts to laugh and says, “No Mom they didn’t say that!” We both laughed and I explained that Mommy was naughty. At least he finally fell asleep! I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed the sound of crickets so much as I did that night sitting silently in the dark room. Parenting is hard and we are human so as long as we are doing our best then everything is going to be alright. I didn’t get any work done that night but it was ok. At least I had a good laugh with my son and a great story to share.

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